Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ref. 74: 'Please vote for freedom for these families' | Letter to the ...

In the Oct. 5 edition of the Redmond Reporter, a reader asked us to ?consider the rights of our children? with regard to Referendum 74. She cited studies that clearly show that children benefit greatly when raised in two-parent households and I know of no one who would argue otherwise.

However, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, ?Current research shows that children with gay and lesbian parents do not differ from children with heterosexual parents in their emotional development or in their relationships with peers and adults. It is important for parents to understand that it is the quality of the parent/child relationship and not the parent?s sexual orientation that has an effect on a child?s development. Research has shown that in contrast to common beliefs, children of lesbian, gay, or transgender parents:

Are not more likely to be gay than children with heterosexual parents.

Are not more likely to be sexually abused.

Do not show differences in whether they think of themselves as male or female (gender identity).

Do not show differences in their male and female behaviors (gender role behavior).? (

They do acknowledge that although ?children with gay and lesbian parents are as well adjusted as children with heterosexual parents, they can face some additional challenges.? But these challenges arise from outside their families in the form of ?discrimination in their communities? and teasing and bullying by their peers.

Denying committed same-sex parents the freedom to marry based on the notion that this will protect children ignores the fact that these families already exist and deserve our support.

As a member of an open and affirming church, I have come to know several families headed by same-sex parents who are raising children. I have seen first-hand their devotion to these children and have come to know that although no two families are ?the same,? we share similar hopes for our children. As a Sunday school teacher, I have also been some small witness to the hopes and dreams of these children, to the love they have for their parents, and their confusion that some in our community refuse to accept their families as real. As real as the one that my wife of 28 years have with our three children.

For us to reject Referendum 74 is to further marginalize and cause real harm to these families. For us to do so, particularly under the banner of protecting children, is simply wrong.

Please vote for freedom for these families.? Please vote to protect all children. Please vote yes on Referendum 74.

Brian Anderson, Redmond



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