Monday, October 15, 2012

Mother arrested at youth football game

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - A Louisville mother?was arrested and taken away in handcuffs following her son's football game. Witnesses said a corrections officer used excessive force when he arrested?the mother at a youth football field and it was caught on tape.

It happened Saturday morning at Valley High School. Kids from Valley and Fairdale youth league were finishing a game of football.

"This was just so horrible.?Seven to 8-year-olds were standing around crying and screaming," said witness Laurie Kustes.

Kustes and Cynthia Allen are parents of youth league football players. Allen said the game was wrapping up and an off-duty Metro Corrections officer working security told the crowd to clear the track for the homecoming parade.

"Our parents weren't clearing the track fast enough so one of our parents were attacked," said Allen.

The woman on the ground was Mindy Hernandez, 33.

"Slammed into the bleachers, slammed into the track on her face," said Allen.

Hernandez was arrested by?the off-duty corrections officer and booked on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Her son Josiah was next to her when it happened.

"We were trying to get off the field and my mom was trying to hurry up to take me to one of her friends home coming and the police arrest her cause said F-U," said Josiah Hernandez.

Josiah Hernandez's?father, Carlos Hernandez, was also nearby and was worried about his son.

"When he said back up I'm leaving, he jumped and has Josiah like that, jumped on top and pushed him to the bleachers," said Carlos Hernandez.

Josiah Hernandez?was only worried about his mother.

'He just slammed her to the ground," said Josiah Hernandez. "I cried really really bad, I wanted it to stop but, I kept crying."

Witnesses said despite what Mindy Hernandez may have said to the corrections officer, it was not justified to come to this.

"She wasn't being disorderly, all she was doing was trying to get her son," said Allen.

WAVE 3 spoke to a corrections officer on the scene who declined to comment. A youth league director asked our photographer to leave the field and did not comment either. WAVE 3 did talk with Corrections Director Mark Bolton, he confirmed the officer was working an off duty job. Bolton said he has not read the reports or spoken to the officer, but is being told the officer gave verbal directives to the woman several times and when she resisted, she was arrested.

Copyright 2012 WAVE News. All rights reserved.


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